the village of Cornacchino

The village is made up of several buildings that house rooms and halls

House of the Mine

Here we have seven guest rooms, a common room and terrace.

House of Quinto

Casa di Quinto houses five guest rooms on the first floor, the restaurant and kitchen on the ground floor.

Source house

An independent room on the ground floor for guests.

In the "Officina of Cornacchino" you can find:

  • Reception
  • Office
  • Café
  • Relaxation room with fireplace
  • Free Wi-Fi, internet point
  • Didactic room
  • Yoga room
  • Massage room
  • Meeting room

the village of Cornacchino

The village is made up of several buildings that house rooms and halls

House of the Mine

Here we have seven guest rooms, a common room and terrace.


Agriturismo Cornacchino
Castell'Azzara, 58034

Tel: +39.0564.951582


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